瑞士:HIF國際夏令營  Switzerland - Ftan: Hochalpine Institut Ftan Summer Camp

瑞士:HIF國際夏令營 Switzerland - Ftan: Hochalpine Institut Ftan Summer Camp


The HIF International Summer Camp is a two-week learning adventure, high above the world at 1700 metres on the campus of the HIF in the Engadine Valley, Switzerland. The HIF International Summer Adventure Camp brings together young people from around the world to live and learn together in this amazing landscape. 


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說明 Introduction

校園位於山地。 Campus extends along the mountain side with the floor of the valley far below

房間窗戶可欣賞阿爾卑斯山景觀。From the window of your room you look out in the morning at a stupendous panorama of Alpine peaks

10歲到16歲可參加。 For 10 to 16 years old

教學語言:英語德語。 Languages taught :English or German

語言課程 Language Classes


Mornings are spent working on your individual learning targets in English or German in small classes with HIF's own teachers. Lessons are lively and varied with a mix of speaking, writing, listening, games, quizzes and projects.

運動 Sport for all

HIF 是瑞士最好運動學校之一,教出了奧林匹克世界冠軍。它有高質量的運動設備、設施和教練。健身房有攀岩牆、蹦床、和戶外蹦床。在HIF你可以試試攀岩和河水漂流。每個人,無論是運動或是初學者,都可以試一試各項運動:足球、高爾夫、游泳、漂流、徒步旅行、登山、網球、騎馬、滑板車之旅。

HIF is one of the top sports schools in Switzerland and has trained and educated Olympic and World Champions. Hardly surprising then that it has sports equipment, facilities and professional sports coaches of the highest standard. The gymnasium is equipped with a climbing wall, an athletic trampoline and an outdoor trampoline. At HIF Summer Camp you can also discover the big thrills of rock climbing or white-water river rafting. Everyone – athlete or beginner - is encouraged to have a go at all the sports:Soccer, Golf, Swimming, River rafting, Hiking, Climbing, Tennis, Horseback riding, Scooter tours.

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冒險:探索,發現和發展 Adventure: Explore, Discover and Develop


Cooking on a camp fire under a starry sky and sleeping in a tent requires good preparation, organisation and, most of all, teamwork and leadership; hiking in the Swiss National Park to observe wild life such as mountain goats, red deer, vultures and eagles; white-water rafting on the River Inn with expert guides; horseback riding and experiencing the thrills in a rope park – learn to play a responsible role in the success of such thrilling adventures.

創意和有趣的活動 Creative and fun activities


The Summer Camp talent show is a chance to discover your talent. Perhaps you're a singer, a magician, a dancer or a comedian. Or you might be in the crew that does the lighting, creates the costumes, does the make-up - show business has a role for everyone. When the day is over, there is still lots of good fun: games, karaoke, sports tournaments, BBQs, music and dancing and the last-evening-of-camp party.

文化 Culture

在遊覽該地區的旅途中,您將參觀塔拉斯普城堡(Tarasp Castle),這座城堡位於山谷之上,神秘莫測。烤一個當地特產的蛋糕,並學習羅曼什的一些用語,如歡快的「Allegra!」問候。從周圍的田野中,您可以聽到為著名的瑞士巧克力生產牛奶的奶牛,掛在脖子的鈴鐺聲,所有這一切都等著你去發現。

On excursions into the region you will visit Tarasp Castle, towering in mystery above the valley. Bake a local cake speciality and get to learn a few words of Romansh such as the cheerful “Allegra!” greeting. From the surrounding fields you can hear the tinkling of bells around the necks of cows which produce milk for the famous Swiss chocolate. All of this – and more – is waiting for you to discover.

住所 Accommodation


You will live in one of the 70 bright study-bedrooms (single and twin rooms) furnished in a modern attractive style. Once installed you can make it into your own personal, private space. There are lounge areas with sofas for meeting up with friends over a coffee, for reading or just spending time relaxing. After all, you are at home.


Internatszimmer mit zwei Betten und Teppich


注意事項 Notes

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