紐西蘭:EVAKONA教育中心  New Zealand - Whitianga and Thames: Evakona Education

紐西蘭:EVAKONA教育中心 New Zealand - Whitianga and Thames: Evakona Education

歡迎來到EVAKONA EDUCATION。 結交來自不同國家的朋友,享受清新的綠色景觀,在白色沙灘上漫步,與友好的人們會面! 我們的校區位於科羅曼德半島,是新西蘭最美麗的旅遊區之一。


Welcome to EVAKONA EDUCATION. Make friends from different countries, enjoy fresh green scenery, go for long walks on white sandy beaches and meet friendly people! Our campuses are located on the Coromandel Peninsula, one of the most beautiful tourism areas in New Zealand.


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說明 Introduction

  • 體驗動態教學

在Evakona,我們的教室充滿活力。 我們的老師很熱情,課堂氛圍充滿活力,班級規模小,所以沒有人落後。 但是,它並不止於此。 我們還將教學帶出課堂:進入當地的休閒俱樂部,運動隊和社區活動。 因此,學習在現實生活中和通過實時互動進行。 因此,我們的學生可以更快地提高知識並保留一生的知識。

  • Experience Dynamic Teaching

At Evakona, our classrooms are dynamic. Our teachers are enthusiastic, the classroom atmosphere vibrant and our class sizes small, so no one gets left behind. However, it doesn't stop there. We also take the teaching out of the classroom: into local recreational clubs, sport teams and community activities. So learning happens in real-life situations and through live interactions. As a result, our students improve faster and retain the knowledge for a lifetime.


  • 過渡到紐西蘭學校和大學

Evakona創始人Eriko McLean親眼目睹了海外學生在懷蒂昂格當地高中教學期間跨越新西蘭學校和大學的困難程度。 今天,Evakona與幾所新西蘭學校和大學建立了牢固的關係,使學生能夠獲得所選學校的學分,同時支持他們在學校和生活中茁壯成長。 我們還向當地學校介紹家長和學生。 聯繫我們獲取更多信息。

  • Transition to NZ Schools and Universities

Evakona founder, Eriko McLean, witnessed firsthand how difficult it can be for overseas students to cross over to New Zealand schools and universities while she was teaching at the local high school in Whitianga. Today, Evakona has built solid relationships with several New Zealand schools and universities, enabling students to earn credits towards their chosen schools while supporting them to thrive in school and in life. We also introduce parents and students to local schools. Contact us for more information.


  • 個人化的關懷和支持

在Evakona,我們的團隊由高素質的教師,學生輔導員,社會活動協調員,寄宿家庭協調員,寄宿家庭,安置代理人......等組成! 整個團隊致力於提供個人護理和關注,以確保學生的目標得到滿足,並在新環境中蓬勃發展。 我們的學生告訴我們,這種支持使我們與眾不同 - 但你是法官。

  • Personalised Care and Support

At Evakona, our team consists of highly qualified teachers, student counsellors, social activity coordinators, homestay coordinators, host families, placement agents…and more! The entire team is devoted to providing personal care and attention to ensure that students' objectives are met, and that they flourish in their new environment. Our students tell us this type of support sets us apart from the others – but you be the judge.


  • 小班制

我們的課程很小(每班通常有五到八名學生),這意味著你可以從老師那裡得到更多的個人關注,你可以有空間練習你的會話技巧,你會更好地了解其他學生並結交朋友 容易。

  • Small Classes

Our classes are small (usually between five and eight students per class) which means you can receive more personal attention from the teachers, there will be space for you to practise your conversational skills, you will get to know the other students better and make friends easily.


  • 僅限英語

Evakona嚴格遵守“僅限英語”政策,鼓勵學生在休息時間和空閒時間使用英語。 每週學生都會投票選出“最佳英語演講者”。 獎學金頒發給在課堂外嘗試過最好的英語口語的學生。 我們的目標是創造積極的英語學習環境,這也是日常會話生活的一部分。

  • English Only

Evakona has a strict ‘ENGLISH ONLY’ policy, this encourages students to use English in break times and in their free time. Every week the students vote for the ‘Best English Speaker’. A prize is given to the student who has tried their best speaking English outside the classroom. Our aim is to create a positive English learning environment that is also part of everyday conversational life.


  • 家庭氛圍

我們是一所小型學校,所以在您入住結束時,您會感覺自己離開了您的Evakona'家庭'。 我們過去的許多學生都在我們的Facebook頁面上保持聯繫。 你為什麼不看看?

  • Family Atmosphere

We are a small school, so by the end of your stay you will feel like you are leaving your Evakona ‘family’. Many of our past students stay in touch on our Facebook page. Why don't you take a look?


  • 個別教程

對於學習4週以上的學生,每月都有一個教程,與老師一對一的面試。 您將討論您的學習進度,要求並獲得有關個人學習策略的建議。

  • Individual Tutorials

For students who study for 4 weeks and more there is a monthly tutorial, a one-to-one interview with a teacher. You will discuss your learning progress, requirements and receive advice about personal learning strategies.


  • 持續評估

所有學生都參加定期測試,評估英語詞彙的拼寫,理解和使用。 我們非常自豪地仔細監督我們的學生並檢查他們的進步和改進水平。 定期評估意味著我們可以迅速有效地處理可能出現的學習問題。

  • Continuous Assessments

All students take part in regular tests assessing spelling, understanding and use of English vocabulary. We take pride in monitoring our students carefully and checking their progress and levels of improvement. Regular assessment means we can deal with learning issues that may arise swiftly and effectively.


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經典課程 Classic courses
  • 強化普通英語課程




  • 高中準備




  • 考試準備




  • 私人課程


  • 英語和志願者


  • Intensive general English course

Full time 23 hours per week

Full time 21 hours per week

Part time 15 hours per week


  • High school preparation

3 years

First year: 40 weeks, 23 hours per week

Second and third year: enrolment in a local high school and one to one lessons after school


  • Exam preparation

Exam preparation 23 hours per week

Exam preparation 21 hours per week

Exam preparation 15 hours per week including private lessons


  • Private lessons


  • Family English

English classes for adults and enrolling a local primary school for children


  • English and volunteering

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英語和活動 English and activities






我們可以根據學生的要求在一周內提供額外的活動,以便他們盡可能地充分利用他們的住宿和體驗。 (這些額外活動至少需要兩名學生。)


Friday afternoon is activity time at Evakona!

Every Friday afternoon our students can get out of school and see some of the surrounding beauty. Each week is a different activity, challenging, creative, exciting and often breathtakingly beautiful. It is the time to start making your memories of New Zealand.

Full time or Part time General English courses, everyone can join our activity on Friday afternoon.

We offer many different outdoor and indoor activities such as surfing on our beautiful sandy beaches, horse riding through luscious green countryside, fishing in the ocean, kayaking on inland rivers, visiting farms where you can pet and feed the animals, walking through the bush, experiencing Māori culture and visit a marae. You can also participate in arts and crafts, make your own bone carving, relax in natural hot pools, go on scenic boat cruises, play tennis, try pottery and much more!

A great opportunity for the students to learn English through doing interesting and fun things.

We can offer extra activities during the week at the students' request so they can make the most of their stay and experience as much as possible. (A minimum of two students is required for those extra activities.)


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  • 英語和騎馬

早上學習英語,下午騎馬(每週下午2點騎馬)。 您將學習如何騎馬,與您的馬“交談”以及輕鬆騎行的基本知識。 在馬跋涉期間,您將看到綠色的田野,樹木,溪流,瀑布,並欣賞鄉村和海洋的壯麗景色。 您還可以與其他農場動物進行近距離接觸。 徒步旅行需要1.5到2個小時。

  • English and Horse Riding

Study English in the morning, and ride a horse in the afternoon (2 afternoon rides per week). You will learn the basics of how to saddle-up, ‘talk’ to your horse, and go for a gentle ride. During the horse trek you will see green fields, trees, streams, waterfalls and see magnificent views of the countryside and ocean. You can also have close-up encounters with other farm animals. The treks go for 1.5 to 2 hours.


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  • 英語和水肺潛水


  • English and Scuba Diving

At Evakona you can study English and do a PADI Open Water Diving Licence course at the same time. In cooperation with Dive Zone Whitianga, Evakona students can study English and get a Scuba Diving Licence at a very competitive price.


  • 英語和高爾夫


Mercury Bay Golf Club歡迎Evakona語言學生。還提供高爾夫課程。

  • English and Golf

Combine your General / Intensive English course with an afternoon on a beautiful golf course.

Mercury Bay Golf Club welcomes Evakona language students. Golf lessons are also available.


  • 英語和漫步



  • English and Tramping

In this course you will experience the natural wonders of New Zealand. Our guide will take you to breathtaking walking tracks in the native bush, along creeks, waterfalls and stunning coastlines.

The course includes morning English lessons and two afternoons of tramping per week.

We have lots and lots of fun and beautiful walks! Enjoy delicious (and BIG!) New Zealand ice cream and drinks after the walks. Weekend tramping (full day or overnight) and weekend trips to other places in New Zealand are also available.



  • 尖峰,科羅曼德半島
  • 大教堂灣 - 海岸線,原生灌木,白色沙灘,海洋保護區
  • 城堡岩 - 原生灌木,到山峰,科羅曼德半島的壯觀景色
  • Waitaia Bush Walk  - 原生灌木,河流,金礦
  • 辛普森一家海灘農場 - 農場土地和動物,美麗的海岸線
  • 破碎的山丘 - 金礦,原生灌木,小溪,隧道,螢火蟲
  • 貝殼杉樹林和Waiau瀑布 - 貝殼杉樹,原生灌木,瀑布

The Best Afternoon Tramping on The Coromandel Peninsula:

  • The Pinnacles, Coromandel Peninsula
  • Cathedral Cove – Coastline, native bush, white sandy beaches, marine reserve
  • Castle Rock – Native bush, to the mountain peak, spectacular views of the Coromandel Peninsula
  • Waitaia Bush Walk – Native bush, river, goldmine
  • Simpsons Beach Farm – Farm land and animals, beautiful coastline
  • Broken Hills – Goldmine, native bush, creeks, tunnel, glow worms
  • Kauri Grove and Waiau Falls – Kauri trees, native bush, waterfalls

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注意事項 Notes

Contact us for more information or to enrol in the school: 
► ph. 04 37001268
or email us!
✉  study@northwest.com.tw

or click here!


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如需航班價格報價請聯繫 travel@northwest.com.tw 或 點擊



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Founded in 1986, Northwest is one of the major travel agencies in Taiwan. With its 30 years of experience and 2 offices in Taiwan, Northwest offers a professional and multilingual service to satisfy all the needs of our clients.