說明 Introduction

Rolling Korea Language School成立於2012年,向外國人教授朝鮮語。從那時起,他們開發了獨特的教育內容和活動,以為學生提供最佳體驗。他們的課程專注於語言教育和文化體驗,以便他們的學生能夠充分利用自己在韓國的時間。


他們的唯一目標是使您的韓語流利。Rolling Korea韓國語言學校的員工以舒適的設施,友善的員工和專業的講師為您提供學習體驗。

在過去的七年中,來自世界各地的許多學生至Rolling Korea學習韓語。



Rolling Korea Language School was founded in 2012 to teach Korean to foreigners. Since then, they have developed unique educational contents and activities to provide the best experience for their students. Their program ensures that there is equal focus on professional language education, but also on hands-on cultural experience so that their students can make the most of their time in Korea.

Compared to other Korean language schools, their curriculum heavily weighs on practical Korean learning experience. In their point of view, learning a language just from a textbook is not enough. They believe that the fastest way to master a language is to get a lot of practice with proper feedback. Their afternoon social programs and activities will offer the perfect opportunities for you to speak Korean in positive, friendly environment.

Their one and only goal is to make your Korean fluent. With their comfortable facility, friendly staff, and professional instructors, they there at Rolling Korea Korean Language School guarantee you a successful learning experience.

Over the last seven years, many students from all over the world have come to Rolling Korea to learn Korean.
Because of your continuous support, they are where they are and you are the reason they can move forward. They will stay humble, not forgetting how it all started, and focus on your successful Korean language learning experience.

Regular Korean Course 普通韓語課程






Regular Korean Course is for students who want to improve their Korean starting from the basics and move on to the advanced level. You take: speaking listening, reading, and writing classes with a focus on speaking. Classes run through weekday except for Wednesday from 10 am to 1 pm. Because the class sizes are generally small, you can get consistent feedback from the instructors. Also, there is plenty of time to practice. Class duration arranges from 1 week to 52 weeks.

Course Summary
Course length: 1 - 52 weeks
Class size: 3 - 8 people (max 15)
Textbook: Seogang Korean
Total hours: 16 lessons per week
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Starting date: Every Monday
Certificate: Provided

► 如果學生人數未達最低人數(少於3),則上課時間可能會減少
► 一堂課為50分鐘,中間有10分鐘的休息時間
► 週一上午09:00-09:50的強化課程,之後可能會更改為下午時段
► 每個月末(通常在過去的兩週內)進行口語和筆試
► 每個月的最後一個星期四,有一個戶外課; 在最後一個星期五,每個人都有韓國演講活動
► 非常歡迎您在上課時間結束後使用休息室進行自學



The class hours may be reduced if there aren't minimum number of students (less than 3);
► One lesson is 50 minutes long, and there is 10 minutes breaktime in between;
 Monday morning Intensive Course class hours of 09:00 - 09:50 might be changed to a later time (afternoon);
► There is a speaking test and a writing test at the end of each month (usually during the last 2 weeks);
 Last Thursday of every month, there is an Outdoor class; and on the last Friday, there is Korean Speech Activity for everyone;
 You are more than welcome to use the Lounge to do self-study at the end of your class hours

Intensive Korean Course 1 強化韓語課程1





Intensive Korean Course is for students who want to learn a lot of Korean within a short period. You take: speaking, listening, reading, and writing classes with a focus on speaking. Classes run through weekday except for Wednesday from 9 am to 1 pm. Because the class sizes are generally small, you can get consistent feedback from the instructors. Also, there is plenty of time to practice. Class duration arranges from 1 week to 52 weeks.

Course Summary
Course length: 1 - 52 weeks
Class size: 3 - 8 people (max 15)
Textbook: Seogang Korean
Total hours: 20 lessons per week
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Starting date: Every Monday
Certificate: Provided

► 如果學生人數未達最低人數(少於3),則上課時間可能會減少
► 一堂課為50分鐘,中間有10分鐘的休息時間
► 週一上午09:00-09:50的強化課程,之後可能會更改為下午時段
► 每個月末(通常在過去的兩週內)進行口語和筆試
► 每個月的最後一個星期四,有一個戶外課; 在最後一個星期五,每個人都有韓國演講活動
► 非常歡迎您在上課時間結束後使用休息室進行自學



 The class hours may be reduced if there aren't minimum number of students (less than 3)
 One lesson is 50 minutes long, and there is 10 minutes breaktime in between;
 Monday morning Intensive Course class hours of 09:00 - 09:50 might be changed to a later time (afternoon);
 There is a speaking test and a writing test at the end of each month (usually during the last 2 weeks);
 Last Thursday of every month, there is an Outdoor class; and on the last Friday, there is Korean Speech Activity for everyone;
 You are more than welcome to use the Lounge to do self-study at the end of your class hours

Intensive Korean Course 2 強化韓語課程2






Intensive Korean Course is for students who want to learn a lot of Korean within a short period. You take: speaking, listening, reading, and writing classes with a focus on speaking. Classes run through weekday including Wednesday from 9 am to 1 pm. Because the class sizes are generally small, you can get consistent feedback from the instructors. Also, there is plenty of time to practice. Class duration arranges from 1 week to 52 weeks.

Course Summary
Course length: 1 - 52 weeks
Class size: 3 - 8 people (max 15)
Textbook: Seogang Korean
Total hours: 24 Lessons per week
Level: Beginner to Advanced
Starting date: Every Monday
Certificate: Provided

► 如果學生人數未達最低人數(少於3),則上課時間可能會減少
► 一堂課為50分鐘,中間有10分鐘的休息時間
► 週一上午09:00-09:50的強化課程,之後可能會更改為下午時段
► 每個月末(通常在過去的兩週內)進行口語和筆試
► 每個月的最後一個星期四,有一個戶外課; 在最後一個星期五,每個人都有韓國演講活動
► 非常歡迎您在上課時間結束後使用休息室進行自學




► The class hours may be reduced if there aren't minimum number of students (less than 3);
► One lesson is 50 minutes long, and there is 10 minutes breaktime in between;
► Monday morning Intensive Course class hours of 09:00 - 09:50 might be changed to a later time (afternoon);
► There is a speaking test and a writing test at the end of each month (usually during the last 2 weeks);
► Last Thursday of every month, there is an Outdoor class; and on the last Friday, there is Korean Speech Activity for everyone;
► You are more than welcome to use the Lounge to do self-study at the end of your class hours

Regular K-pop Course 定期韓流課程

定期的K-pop課程非常適合那些想要學習韓語並同時享受K-pop的人。您早上參加常規韓國語課程,下午參加K-pop課程。 在常規韓語課程中,您將學習實用且全面的(口語,聽力,閱讀和寫作)韓語課程。通過該課程,您將變得更加自信且流利。在K-pop聲樂課上,專業的歌手兼作詞人教您如何發音和歌唱自己喜歡的K-pop歌曲。在K-pop舞蹈課上,專業的舞蹈教練會逐步講解每個動作。



Regular K-pop Course is perfect for those who want to learn Korean and enjoy K-pop at the same time. You attend Regular Korean Course in the morning and K-pop course in the afternoon. In Regular Korean Course, you take practical and comprehensive (speaking, listening, reading and writing) Korean lessons. Through the course, you will become confident and fluent in Korean. On K-pop vocal lesson, the professional singer-songwriter teaches you how to pronounciate and sing your favorite K-pop songs. On K-pop dance lesson, professional dance instructor teaches each moves step by step, 




Course Summary
Course length
: 1 - 52 weeks
Class size: 3 - 8 people (max 15)
Textbook: Seogang Korean
Total hours: 20 Lessons per week
Level: Beginner to Advanced 
Starting date: Every Monday
Certificate: Provided

注意事項 Notes


Contact us for more information or to enrol in the school: 

► ph. 04 37001268
or email us!
✉  study@northwest.com.tw

or click here!


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